



  Critical Reading > Sentence Completions

  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  He maintains that ethnic and cultural ------- are generalizations no more related to what an individual is actually like than are the ------- representations of constellations to the actual nature of a star.

  (A) traditions . . chemical

  (B) stereotypes . . pictorial

  (C) details . . figurative

  (D) heritages . . prophetic

  (E) specimens . . graphic

  The correct answer is B


  The terms in choice (B) logically complete the sentence’s comparison between ethnic and cultural “generalizations” and certain “representations of constellations.” “Stereotypes” are oversimplified generalizations that do not necessarily describe what a particular person is actually like—just as “pictorial,” or picture-based, representations of constellations cannot accurately describe a star’s “actual nature.”


  The salmon's extraordinary ability to smell a single drop of its home river in almost two million gallons of seawater is only one of the fish's many ------- skills.

  (A) sinuous

  (B) encumbered

  (C) colossal

  (D) prodigious

  (E) furtive

  The correct answer is D


  The sentence focuses on an ability that is "extraordinary," or very remarkable. It makes sense to suggest that this remarkable ability is just one of the salmon's "many prodigious skills," or only one of the salmon's many remarkable and impressive skills.
