

  考试时间:2011年5月4日 15:00


  issue70-"In any profession-business, politics, education, government-those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership."

  argument210-The following is a letter to the editor of a news magazine.

  "Clearly, the successful use of robots on missions to explore outer space in the past 20 years demonstrates that robots could be increasingly used to perform factory work(1,2,3) more effectively, efficiently, and profitably than human factory workers. The use of robots in factories would offer several advantages. First, robots never get sick, so absenteeism would be reduced (4). Second, robots do not make mistakes, so factories would increase their output (4). Finally, the use of robots would also improve the morale of factory workers(5), since factory work can be so boring that many workers would be glad to shift to more interesting kinds of tasks(6)."

  考试时间:2011年5月4日 15:00


  issue195-The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus.

  25-Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction--in other words, to make things as simple as possible.

  argument241-The following appeared in a memo at the XYZ company.

  "When XYZ lays off employees, it pays Delany Personnel Firm to offer those employees assistance in creating resumés and developing interviewing skills, if they so desire. Laid-off employees have benefited greatly from Delany's services: last year those who used Delany found jobs much more quickly than did those who did not (1). Recently, it has been proposed that we use the less-expensive Walsh Personnel Firm in place of Delany. This would be a mistake because eight years ago, when XYZ was using Walsh, only half of the workers we laid off at that time found jobs within a year (2, 3, 4, and 5). Moreover, Delany is clearly superior, as evidenced by its bigger staff (7) and larger number of branch offices (6). After all, last year (10) Delany's clients took an average of six months to find jobs, whereas Walsh's clients took nine (8, 9)."

  考试时间:2011年5月4日 15:00


  Issue243-"The true value of a civilization is reflected in its artistic creations rather than in its scientific accomplishments."

  Argument136-"Commuters are complaining that the rush hour traffic on Blue Highway between Shady Village and Bright City has doubled their commuting time. Some commuters have asked that an additional traffic lane be built, but the recent creation of such a lane on nearby Green Highway apparently attracted more commuters, judging from the fact that rush-hour traffic jams actually increased there this past winter. To reduce rush-hour traffic on Blue Highway, a bicycle lane should be added instead of a traffic lane. This approach will succeed because many citizens of Shady Village are avid bicyclists; 75 percent of respondents to a recent questionnaire distributed there said they would like to bicycle more hours per week than they currently do."