
受飓风桑迪影响 11月美国多个SAT考场关闭

  据美国SAT考试官方机构College Board发布的相关信息显示,11月3日的SAT考试马上就到了,但是由于受到了飓风桑迪的影响,参加此次考试的考场中有很多都是位于灾区。为了保证考生的生命安全,College Board决定推迟部分SAT考场的考试时间。

  College Board为了能够保证参加考试的学生,家长和承办考试的管理者的安全,正在努力联系被暴风影响的美国东海岸的考试中心。College Board同时发布了关闭的此次11月SAT考试中心,11月因飓风关闭的美国考场详细列表  国际考场列表

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  College Board提醒在美国参加SAT考试的考生,对于已经关闭的SAT考场,如果有代替的新考场,请考生一定要打印新的准考证信息,并且携带有新考场地址的准考证参加考试;如果没有安排新考场,请考生耐心等待CB安排的补考日期。切记不要尝试自行任何其他考场和考试日期。


  The College Board is deeply concerned about all those affected by Hurricane Sandy. At this time, our main concern is for the safety of our student test-takers, their families and the educators and staff who help administer the SAT. We are in the process of trying to reach test centers affected by the storms that hit the east coast of the United States. We will be posting information about SAT test center closings for November 2012 as it becomes available.

  In the event that we are unable to contact a test center, students and parents should assume that if the school is closed on Friday, November 2 for reasons related to Hurricane Sandy, it will not be administering the SAT this weekend. Students can also contact SAT customer service at 866-756-7346 to check on the status of their test center.

  Students for whom the SAT is cancelled on this weekend will receive notification of a makeup date via emailas soon as we are able to schedule it. Alternatively, they may choose to transfer their registration to another national administration at no charge.

  To the best of their ability in current conditions, SAT Test Center Supervisors are asked to notify local media outlets if their centers are unable to open due to effects of Hurricane Sandy. In addition to the list of closings below, the College Board will distribute a list of test center closings to local media outlets on Friday afternoon.

  Students whose test centers are closed should not try to test elsewhere on test day — supervisors cannot admit standbys or walk-ins.

  For areas not affected by Hurricane Sandy, normal test center closing procedures apply:

  SAT Test Center Supervisors are instructed to notify local media outlets when their centers are unable to open due to inclement weather, natural disaster, power failure, or other problems. Please check your local media for test center closings in your area.

  If your center is listed as closed:

  A new center may appear in the listing. In this case, access your online account and print a new, updated ticket with the new center information noted on it. You must bring your updated ticket with you on test day to the reassigned center.

  If no new center appears, please be patient while we work to arrange a makeup date — you will be contacted as soon as a makeup is scheduled. Remember: don't try to test elsewhere on test day — supervisors cannot admit standbys or walk-ins.