



  Critical Reading > Sentence Completions

  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  When he was five years old, the boy scribbled on the bedroom wall with a permanent marker, leaving an ------- mark that would still be there even after he grew up and moved away.

  (A) interchangeable

  (B) indelible

  (C) ostensible

  (D) eradicable

  (E) untenable

  The correct answer is B


  Choice (B) is correct. It makes sense to describe a mark made by a permanent marker as “indelible,” or unable to be erased or removed.


  True to her altruistic beliefs, Natalie ------- the ------- attitude of her colleague that a client represented nothing more than a source of income and an opportunity for advancing one’s professional reputation.

  (A) applauded . . conscientious

  (B) condoned . . aggressive

  (C) lamented . . mercenary

  (D) adopted . . egotistical

  (E) belittled . . magnanimous

  The correct answer is C


  Natalie, an “altruistic” person, would lament the attitude of a greedy and ambitious colleague whom she would describe as “mercenary.”
