
雅思口语Part1部分Living Environment相关词汇及表述

今天我们来看一下雅思口语Part1部分Living Environment话题相关地道词汇和表述。


  1:Why do some people throw garbage on the street?



  Throw Garbage,扔垃圾,我们也可以说Chuck rubbish;或者throw away some litter。这些我们都可以用在同义词替换中。

  On the street也可以替换成on the ground,或者on the road。

  关于人们都会在街上扔什么垃圾,我们可以说napkin(餐巾纸),或者是plastic wrappings(塑料包装纸)。

  Why do some people throw garbage on the street?

  Well, I don’t really get it why some people chuck rubbish right on the road everywhere they go. Perhaps one of the explanations that might make sense to me is they can’t see a bin around, though I’m not sure if it’s the right thing to do. I mean at least I wouldn’t do a thing like that.


  I don't get it意思是“我也不知道/我也不理解...”。

  one of the explanations可以替换为one of the reasons。

  make sense to me意思是:



  bin可以替换为rubbish can,垃圾箱。

  Chuck rubbish

  Plastic wrappings

  Fail to understand

  I reckon

  not sure if it’s the right thing to do

  2:How do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the street?

  Well, most of the time, when I notice someone doing it, I would feel a bit pissed off, but to be fair, there’s nothing I can do really. In fact, I would probably just roll my eyes and pretend that I’m not really bothered.

  most of the time 我们可以用usually。

  pissed off可以理解为“不开心/生气”,或者说I would be in a bad mood。

  to be fair,“老实说...”,可以用to be honest。

  roll my eyes是“翻白眼"的意思,或者说give someone the evil eye。

  I’m not really bothered 也可以说I can’t be asked/I can’t care less/I don’t care/I don’t seem to bother(care)。

Crowded place

  1.What places do you think are often crowded?

  下一个话题我们来看看Crowded place。

  Crowded我们可以用packed来替换,或者是jam packed,或者是rammed。

  或者用习语来解释这个现象,比如packed like sardines,像沙丁鱼一样挤在一起。

  What places do you think are often crowded?

  Well, I’m not even exaggerating but there are literally loads of places that are often packed like sardines. You might have noticed this already, public buses are usually rammed with commuters, especially during the rush hours on weekdays.

  I'm not even exaggerating but...意思是“我毫不夸张的说...”。

  Loads of像我们平时说的many或者是lots of。

  公共交通的种类public buses,


  Be rammed...

  Be full of people

  Be filled with people

  Be jam-packed

  Be packed like sardines

  2.When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

  这道题同样我们可以替换crowded place,可以说the place like that(指拥挤的),the packed place like that。

  或者可以直接描述这个地方,不去用crowded place。


  Oh actually, I'm not sure about it, because I can't really remember...


  As far as I can remember.../Based on my memory.../If I remember correctly/ I’ll never forget this other day when.../ I’ll never forget this other day when...

  When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

  Well, I guess it will have to be the other day(某一天) when I paid a visit to the hospital in town. You might not believe this, but I literally had to elbow(胳膊肘n. / 推挤vt.)my way to get in the lift. What’s worse, there was hardly any breathing space in there.

  As far as I can remember

  Based on my memory

  If I remember correctly

  I have a vague recollection of...

  I’ll never forget this other day when...

  There’s hardly breathing space

  好啦,这就是今天关于Living Environment话题的内容了。