
新GRE issue写作考试素材

  新GRE issue写作素来被称为北美考试中最难的一门写作考试。之所以难,有一部分原因的确是因为GRE的issue题目确实很难,一部分的题目甚至难到无话可说。这种现象在去年(2011年)8月6日GRE考试改革前的题库--也就是现在所戏称的"老题库"中体现得比较明显。


  (老GRE issue题库131题)The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society.

  (老GRE issue题库176题)The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each.


  然而,令人惊讶的是,新G改革,在issue考试上,比较大的变动是取消了原有的2选1的题型,而是只给了一道题。此外,更重要的是,此类难题,就再也没出现在新的GRE issue的题库当中。





  我曾经做过这样一件事情,那就是把ETS所有在新G issue中删掉的题目做了一个整理后发现:这些题目无一例外都有一个共同的特征--太偏太难。而前面给出的两道老G的经典难题,正是所谓的"偏"题的典型。


  The Analytical Writing Measure tests your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. It assesses your ability to articulate and support complex ideas, construct and evaluate arguments, and sustain a focused and coherent discussion. It does not assess specific content knowledge.

  The tasks in the Analytical Writing measure relate to a broad range of subjects - from the fine arts and humanities to the social and physical sciences - but no task requires knowledge of specific content. In fact, each task has been tested by actual GRE? test takers to ensure that it possesses several important characteristics, including the following:

  " GRE test takers, regardless of their field of study or special interests, understood the task and could easily respond to it.

  " The task elicited the kinds of complex thinking and persuasive writing that university faculty consider important for success in graduate school.

  " The responses were varied in content and in the way the writers developed their ideas.

  我们有理由猜测,ETS虽然当年给出了这样一条准则,但当时连ETS自己或许都不能保证自己的题目肯定是不需要任何知识背景的。因为ETS不知道作为某些在美国学生眼里的常识,海外考生是否真的也认为是常识。或许正是由于这个原因,之前的GRE issue写作才会设置成2选1的考试形式。






  The statement linking technology negatively with free thinking plays on recent human experience over the past century. Surely there has been no time in history where the lived lives of people have changed more dramatically. A quick reflection on a typical day reveals how technology has revolutionized the world. Most people commute to work in an automobile that runs on an internal combustion engine. During the workday, chances are high that the employee will interact with a computer that processes information on silicon bridges that are .09 microns wide. Upon leaving home, family members will be reached through wireless networks that utilize satellites orbiting the earth. Each of these common occurrences could have been inconceivable at the turn of the 19th century.

  作为全文的开头,作者并没有按常规"出牌",甚至在第一段中连自己的观点都没有亮出来。可这些在我们中国学生眼中"清规戒律"并不影响这篇文章成为一篇优秀的GRE满分文章。整个段落中,作者所使用了三个例子(car, computer, mobile phone),均属很平常很普通的素材。

  与之相反的,作者用"A quick reflection on a typical day reveals how technology has revolutionized the world."这样一句话把这三个例子串了起来,体现出这些例子的典型性和普适性。一定程度上,这样平常、简单的例子来例证,非但没有让文章"逊色",而让这种论证变得具有极强的说服力。由此可见,素材本身不分高低贵贱,用好生活中的很朴实的素材,也能够成就GRE写作高分。

  为什么要提这一点呢?因为长期以来,GRE issue一直给学生甚至部分老师一种幻觉,那就是:既然是学术考试,就必须要把文章写得很学术。比如,凡是出现法律类的题目,就必须把法律的基本假定、法律的意义这些东西要阐述清楚。这种认识,在很长一段时间内,哪怕是在现在,依然普遍存在。不少GRE写作老师甚至某些GRE写作参考书,对学生的这种认识也起到了推波助澜的作用。


  (学生习作)11. People's behaviour is largely determined by forces not of their own making.

  The statement indicates that people behave according to external forces instead of their own idea. However, as the great philosopher Karl Marx said, all the things are determined by inner world, since internal elements are decisive while external factors merely play a role of catalyst. Consider the process of decision making, which people's behaviour depends on. No matter how powerful external forces are, it is people themselves that decide whether they yield to the forces or insist on their own belief or follow their hearts when pressure from external forces and ideas in inner world are controversial. Accordingly, for this matter, I would like to stand the side Marx holds.

  To start with, we should acknowledge that behaviour is depended on decision. As Cognitive Behaviour Theory proves, people's behaviour directly results from decision. Only after thinking and decision can people set out to do something. Based on this assumption, therefore, it is necessary for us to have a look on the process of decision making.

  People's behaviour can be classified into two groups. One is instinctive behaviour which regareds people as a kind of animal, and the other is social behaviour. However, as people are a kind of social animal with brilliant mind, instinctive behaviour such as seeking for water, food and sacurity, in terms of people, is nevertheless controlled by brains. For instance, soldiers can suffer from thirsty and hunger during wars, students will stop eating when class starts for the sake of respecting teachers, although they may extremely hungry. Thus, despite instinctive behaviour may determined by forces on other kinds of animal, people behaves after their decisions.

  Social behaviour, the other group, is more clear to see dependence on decision. Large number of theories study decision making and factors influencing decision. Communication and psychological theorists developed consistency theory, which offers us a powerful testimony on people's own decision when facing conflict choice. All consistency theories begin with the same premise: people are more comfortable with consistency than inconsistency. Therefore, people tend to initially seek mental balance facing conflicts. Even though external pressure does not obviously force one, who is the unique one holds different idea with others, to change idea, but for seeking mentally balance, the individual tends to follow the majority. In this way, decision changes, on one's own making.

  Similarly, in terms of economics theory, game theory provides a method of studying decision making, which also strengths people's own tendency to maximum the benefit and minimum the loss .Take laws, a definitely type of forces out of people's mind, for example. Laws forbid people in a variety of aspects. No matter what individuals thinks, laws regulate people's behaviour. And during one's decision making on whether he is going to drive or not after drinking beer, for example, he is bound to weigh benefits and loss. Laws doubtless play a role of affecting his decision.


  全文从第一段开始,就引用了社会行为学和社会心理学的理论来进行阐述,但是,所有读者在读文章的过程中,几乎要每读一句话就要停顿一下,想一想作者到底要表达什么。比如,第四段第一句话:Social behaviour, the other group, is more clear to see dependence on decision. 这种句子,就是典型的读者大致能够知道作者想表达什么,但就是不会表达的情况。

  更为典型的就是第四段的倒数第二句:Even though external pressure does not obviously force one, who is the unique one holds different idea with others, to change idea, but for seeking mentally balance, the individual tends to follow the majority. 此句话层次非常不清楚,让读者读后完全不知所云。事实上,这种写作常常会让文章陷入"死局"--作者很痛苦,同时读者也很痛苦。作者想表达但不会表达,读者想弄清楚作者的意思但反复读还是弄不清楚。出现这种情况的主要原因,其实就是文中所使用的写作素材理论性过强,导致过于抽象。


  那接下来的问题就是:到底选择什么样的写作素材呢?对于这个问题,我的回答很简单。我对所有同学在选择写作素材时,都会给出两个最为基本的要求:朴实、具体。既然绝大多数的同学完全没有驾驭抽象素材的能力,我们为何不把文章往简单的路线上写呢?就拿这篇学生习作为例,根据题目:People's behaviour is largely determined by forces not of their own making. 我们完全可以选择非常普通的素材来进行例证。甚至更为极端一些,我们完全可以举自己身上所发生的例子。









  找到了问题的核心关键,接下来就是要去寻找解决方案。事实上,这一问题的解决方案其实很简单。在网络和信息如此发达的情况下,要还原自己以前学过的知识其实是异常容易的: Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, 甚至百度都可以,这些资源的充分利用对于我们issue的素材积累会起到非常大的推动作用。



新GRE issue写作考试素材准备