

无忧雅思: 各位无忧雅思网友大家下午好,欢迎关注本期嘉宾访谈,今天我们请到的嘉宾是长沙新航道雅思口语主讲袁娟老师。欢迎袁老师来到无忧做客!~为了能和各位网友更好的互动,帮助更多的鸭友们,袁老师已经在无忧家园开通了博客:http://yuanjuan.51ielts.com 欢迎各位网友来访问哦~今天的访谈现在开始咯,首先请袁老师和大家打个招呼吧!

袁娟:Hi guys, I'm Carol,spoken English teacher in Changsha New Channel School. It's really super cool for me to be here only trying to help you guys by answering your questions a bout IELTS speaking test. Are you ready ?


Mr.F网友: 我每次说口语时,因为常常发音有问题,就去琢磨发音了呢,要不就是想高阶词汇去了,造成流利度总是不够。怎么办啊,我一月末就考试了,好烦躁的啦。。。。

袁娟: Well, man, it can never be worth sacrificing basic communicative fluency just to find a so called"better word". As for your pronunciation, you are really gonna pay much attention. Try to do some listening practice first and then imitate. But if your time is limited, you should know the evaluation system of the speaking test and avoid the most obvious pronunciation problem which might cause misunderstanding or annoy the interviewer, like the difference of v&w , l&n, i:&i...... Good luck!


网友: 我现在在开始做剑7,听说很有用,但是我感觉口语第二个部分不太顺利,老是说到断断续续的,想起一点说一点,就是不连贯,这样就会显得不流畅。我该怎么提高呢?谢谢老师。

袁娟: Hi, your problem might be that you are not quite familiar with that topic. Part2 is an individual long term which requires you have the good knowledge of this topic. It's quite necessary to know all the topics, way too many, right? Take it easy, we can classify and combine them into several general topics, believe that? And this is also in my IELTS GROUP. Welcome to check it out. Good luck!


网友: 袁老师,您好。 我报了1月份的考试,但是我之前没有参加过培训班,完全自学的。但是我后面在一些论坛上面看到有些帖子上面说口语考试是有技巧存在的。 所以我想问一下您能不能稍微说点口语考试中需要注意到一些东西,或者我考前该做什么样的准备? 谢谢!

袁娟: Hi, sweetie, you know, there's no shortcut in learning, but test-taking skills do exist. As Isaid just now, i can't pour all that out within just a minute. You are welcome to join in
my IELTS GROUP too, ha ha. As for speaking test preparation, you should first know