


  1. What is your favorite place to study? Give details and examples in your response. Begin your response after the beep.

  My favorite place to study is in my bedroom. I have a nice desk with a comfortable chair, and if I need anything, I know where it is in my room. I don’t really like studying in the library, because it too quiet. Whenever anybody makes a noise, I can hear it very clearly and I automatically look up to see what it is. Working in the library is very distracting for me. Also, if I get hungry, they don’t let you eat in the library. If I’m studying in my bedroom, I can easily go downstairs and get a snack from the kitchen. In addition, if I have to study really late, the library always closes too early. If I work in my bedroom, I can stay up as late as I need to, without disturbing anybody.

  2.Some people prefer a job which deals with the same tasks every day. Others prefer a job which deals with many different tasks. Which do you prefer and why?

  I would prefer a job that has a little bit of variation. Sitting at a desk all day doing the same thing over and over again would bore me out of my mind. I can't imagine that that kind of job would the interesting at all. I think I am too intelligent to sit and do a mindless task all day. Also I think those jobs will be taken over by computers soon. I would rather have a job that requires me to go around and do lots of different things. Like teaching: Every day there is a new lesson and you never know how class is going to turn out. You have to be spontaneous in the classroom and I think I would prefer a job like that over any other type of job.