

  3. 名词的数应与谓语动词一致


  (1) Approximately fifty percent of the package utilized in the United States are for foods and beverages. (92.5)

  [答案] A 主语是package的百分比率,谓语动词are则决定了package的复数形式。

  (2) Human being have thirty-three or thirty-four vertebrate, bat a snake may have as many as three hundred. (93.8)

  [答案] A 谓语动词have表明主语应是复数形式,即human beings。

  (3) Beneath the deep oceans that cover two-thirds of the Earth tantalizing secret of the planet are concealed. (91.10)

  [答案] C 谓语动词are 决定了主语secret应接复数形式-s。

  4. 一个名词修饰限定另一个名词时,第一个名词只能用单数形式

  解题要点 当你看到两个名词连用时,一定留意第一个名词的单数的形式。


  (1) Employments agencies bring together persons qualified for specific jobs and employers who have those jobs available (90.10)

  [答案] A 名词emplogments修饰说明后面的名词agencies,其作用相当于一个形容词,故应用单数形式。

  (2) Acrylic paint enables artists to experiment with many colors effects. (90.5)

  [答案] D名词colors修饰说明effects,应用其单数形式。

  (3) Susan Sontag*s aversion to the traditional critical practice of extracting morals meanings from art is reflected in her novels. (92.1)

  [答案] B morals应用单数形式修饰后面的名词meanings。