


  一、 雅思口语part1答题套路

  雅思口语part1是给考官留下良好印象的重要阶段,所以能够合理的作答是非常重要的。一般在这个阶段,考官首先会做自我介绍,也会问学生的一些基本信息以便确认,然后就是一些比较生活化的问题一对一作答。但是面对这样的问题,考生不能只回答“是”或“否”,而是要让考官信服,讲出原因,所以part1的作答套路就是“yes/sure+ reason”or”no+why/reason”.即不管你的观点是怎样的都要讲出能够支持你观点的理由。为大家举个例子,便能够一目了然了。

  Do you love to go out for a walk in parks? Explain why.

  Definitely! I love the feeling of walking in the park in the early morning, listening to the birds chirping in the trees, enjoying the grass sparkled with dew, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the gentle breeze blowing over my face. It can always work its magic to put me in a good mood. It is a fresh start of a perfect day!

  这里需要注意,一般在考试的时候考官很少会直接让你说“Explain why”,所以考生一定不能直接说完definitely就完事了,切记要记得解释。

  二、 雅思口语part2答题套路


  Describe a website.

  You should say:

  what this website is

  what features this website has

  what you can see from it and explain why you love this website.




  Interviewer: Why do people love to buy their friends expensive gifts?

  interviewee: Well, it is a topic that people have been talking about for quite a while. Some believe that face is the main reason why people do it. It is kind of like the more expensive your gift is, the closer your relationship with your friend is; others claim that it is a natural result of the fact that expensive gifts mean better quality, higher class and better taste. Well, I can't say whose side I am on. They both make their points. I guess the reason is a little bit of both.
