

  其实在雅思写作中,再好的范文,也只能告诉你如何写好一篇文章的骨架,而要做到有血有肉,言之有物,则要靠大量的观点语料的搜集整理。因此,在这里为同学们整理了雅思备考语料库,希望对备考的同学们有所帮助。  Some people think children should obey rules and do what the teachers want them to do, others think controlled children are not prepared for children’s adult life in the future. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人认为孩子应该听从老师的,有人认为管理过严格的孩子不能为成人生活做好准备,你的观点?


  1. 从小的时候,就要教会孩子们明辨是非,行为规范。(对比反证,细节展开)

  2. 老师们都是精通专业知识,懂得教育的常识,所以,老师的建议和指导对于孩子的成长是有积极的影响。


  1. strict education and guidance n严格的教育和指导

  2. make preparations for = be well-prepared for = ready oneself for sth v为……做好准备

  3. make a clear distinction between right and wrong v明辨是非

  4. how to behave well v行为规范

  5. excel in specialized knowledge v 精通专业知识

  6. know the common sense of education v了解教育的常识

  7. strict education n严格的教育

  8. exert a positive impact on ……对于……有积极影响

  9. proper guidance from educators n教育者的恰当的指导

  10. Spare the rod and spoil the child 孩子不打不成器(节省了棍子,宠坏了孩子)