The climograph below shows average monthly temperatures and rainfall in the city of Kolkata
The chart compares average figures for temperature and precipitation over the course of a calendar year in Kolkata.(1句做介绍导入)
It is noticeable that monthly figures for precipitation in Kolkata vary considerably, whereas monthly temperatures remain relatively stable. Rainfall is highest from July to August, while temperatures are highest in April and May.(2句做图表概述)
Between the months of January and May, average temperatures in Kolkata rise from their lowest point at around 20°C to a peak of just over 30°C. Average rainfall in the city also rises over the same period, from approximately 20mm of rain in January to 100mm in May.(3句的细节段1)
While temperatures stay roughly the same for the next four months, the amount of rainfall more than doubles between May and June. Figures for precipitation remain above 250mm from June to September, peaking at around 330mm in July. The final three months of the year see a dramatic fall in precipitation, to a low of about 10mm in December, and a steady drop in temperatures back to the January average.(3句的细节段2)(173 words, band 9)
For the task 1 report, I aim for 9 sentences.这是他所拿手的图表作文4段9句大法,具体结构如下:
1.Introduction: 1 sentence,Introduction阶段,1句话介绍图表粗心足矣
2.Overview (summary): 2 sentences,Overview段,用2句话做图表信息的摘要
3.First 'details' paragraph: 3 sentences
4.Second 'details' paragraph: 3 sentences。