
妈妈两次被拒 终于成功申请父母探亲签证分享全



我去申请了CAPIS查两次拒的原因,第一次拒签的原因是妈妈没有Western country travel record, and non-sponsorble, 第二次被拒的原因still is non-sporsable, my mom's employement letter was poor quality, unsigned. 第二次我还是找的国内中介,可见他们准备的材料如此差,我们就不必说了。所以也不要太相信国内的中介。


很多人都劝我一个一个申请,包括中介,因为之前有拒签记录,怎么可以同时一起办2人一起呢,但我还是坚持一起办。个人觉得签证官主要是看邀请人的条件,因为前2次签,我还是留学生身份,没有工作, 现在我已结婚,和太太都是移民而且有稳定工作。另外前2次因为父母有生意,所以办的是个体,这会对签证有很大不利,我个人觉得尽量国内申请人不要以个体经营的形式来申请,拒签率很高,这次我办理的是两个人妈妈退休,爸爸下岗。


From Inviters :

Invitation Letter to Visa Officer

A list of Family people in the inviter’s household

Confirmation Letter of Sponsor a member of Family class from CIC

Copies of Inviters’ Immigration Documents

Notarized Marriage Certificate of Inviters

Employment letters of Inviters

2010 Notice of Assessment by CRA from Inviters plus T4, T4A

Banking Deposit Verification from Inviters (50K)

Copies of the most recent 6 months pay stub from Inviters

Copy of Bachelor Degree from Inviter

From Applicants

Application Fee (Pay By Cash In Person)

Invitation Letter to parents from Inviters (English/Chinese)

3 Family photos (my wife and I with my parents)

Application Forms (IMM5257E) from Applicants

Family Information Forms (IMM5645E) from Applicants

Education and Employment Forms from Applicants

Notarized Marriage Certificate from Applicants (the one we used for parents sponsorship class)

Unemployment Letter from Applicant (Father)

Retirement Letter from Applicant(Mother)

Certificate of Deposit from Applicant plus orignal 存折 (100K RMB)-

Property Ownership Certificate from Applicant (Father)

Property Ownership Certificate from Applicant (Mother)

Vehicle Ownership Certificate from Applicant(Father)

Re-employmentConcession Card from Applicant(Father) 下岗再就业证

Retirement Certificate from Applicant(Mother)

Banking Account Transaction Statement (Medical Insurance) from Applicant(Father)

Banking Account Transaction Statement (Endowment Insurance) from Applicant(Father)

Banking Account Transaction Statement (Medical Insurance) from Applicant- (Mother)

Banking Account Transaction Statement (Retirement Income) from Applicant- (Mother)

Mailing Address Labels in Chinese Characters (2/person)

Passport-size photos for both applicants

Proof of Relationship with Inviters- Birth Certificate

Original Passports for both applicants



